Tuesday, August 10, 2010


In 20 mins, complete AMRAP of:
7 pullups
7 goblet squats @28kg kb
7 ring dips

Harold 7 rounds + 3 pullups (goblet @ 36kg)
Vinny 9 rounds + 7 Parallettes dips (med ball cleans @3kg, highpull @ 15kg)
Jim 7 rounds + 7ring dips
Jono 7 rounds + 7 goblet squats


1000kg for time

Each lift begins from the ground to standing overhead

(plan workout before commencing)

Sam: 2.28

Jerry : 3.44

Harold 3: 15

Jono : 4.30


21-18-15 for time of :

pike push ups

KB deadlift

knees to elbow

rope skips x2

Jim 16.59

Harold 17.08

Jono 14.30

Jerry 14.30


In 15 minutes, complete AMRAP of

3 KB swings @ 28kg

5 pullups


Jerry soo : 2 and a half rounds

Jim : 3 rounds

Harold : 3 rounds + 2 swings

Jono : 3 rounds + 3 swings + 3 pullups

Sunday, July 25, 2010

WOD 072410

"Rescue Operation 101"-team workout consisting of 3 members. Teams must complete each exercise together before proceeding with the next exercise.
Complete 3 rounds of :-60 Box Jumps60 Pullups
75 Double DB Presses @ 15kg/ or 150 Single Rack Presses @ 15kg20
Lift and carry survivors in a hang position across to safety (5m)Results :Team "not so skinny Asians"(Jono,Jim,Sam) : mission failed (DNF)Team " international flavour"(Jerry, Vincent, Harold) : mission failed (DNF)
Pictures:a not very discreet team discussion
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the dreaded 5m lift&carry

WOD 072210

"Death by Pushups"
With a continuous running clock, do one Pushup the first minute, two pushups the second minute, three pushups the third minute.... continuing for as many minutes as you are able to. All repetitions must be done before proceeding with the following minute.

Things to look out for :

Full extension of the arm and "chest to floor"
(these are crossfit standards and not imposed by me)

Vinny : 7mins ( 36 reps)
Jim : 15mins +2 (138 reps)
Jono: 17mins (171 reps)
Jerry: 19mins+10 (220 reps)
Sam: 19mins+12 (222 reps)

of :- Ring Rows
Sumo Deadlift to a Highpull (SDHP)
Box Jumps @ 24in


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

3 skinny asians lunge-ing around the neighbourhood

Monday, July 19, 2010

WOD 190710

For time of 400m lunges :

Sam: 21: 50
Jono: 22: 15