Tuesday, August 10, 2010


In 20 mins, complete AMRAP of:
7 pullups
7 goblet squats @28kg kb
7 ring dips

Harold 7 rounds + 3 pullups (goblet @ 36kg)
Vinny 9 rounds + 7 Parallettes dips (med ball cleans @3kg, highpull @ 15kg)
Jim 7 rounds + 7ring dips
Jono 7 rounds + 7 goblet squats


1000kg for time

Each lift begins from the ground to standing overhead

(plan workout before commencing)

Sam: 2.28

Jerry : 3.44

Harold 3: 15

Jono : 4.30


21-18-15 for time of :

pike push ups

KB deadlift

knees to elbow

rope skips x2

Jim 16.59

Harold 17.08

Jono 14.30

Jerry 14.30


In 15 minutes, complete AMRAP of

3 KB swings @ 28kg

5 pullups


Jerry soo : 2 and a half rounds

Jim : 3 rounds

Harold : 3 rounds + 2 swings

Jono : 3 rounds + 3 swings + 3 pullups